Health Insurance Basics

Health insurance is a way to help pay for health care expenses. Having insurance helps in the event of an accident or illness by paying some of the medical costs when you’re injured or sick. Like car insurance or home insurance, you can choose from a variety of plans.

How Insurance works
When you have health insurance, the insurance company pays a portion of your medical expenses. The amount the insurance company will pay, and the services that are covered (coverage) varies by plan.

For example, you may have to pay a $20 co-payment for each doctor visit. Or, the plan may not cover anything until you’ve paid a certain amount (the deductibles). These deductibles and co-payments, along with any other expenses you may pay, are referred to as out-of-pocket expenses.

Some plans may also have co-insurance, which is the percentage of the bill that you’re required to pay, in addition to your deductible and co-payment.

The term cost-sharing is often used to describe the share of costs covered by your insurance that you pay out of your own pocket. This generally includes deductibles, co-insurance, and co-payments, but it doesn’t include premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers, or the cost of non-covered services.

The amount you pay each month for your coverage is the premium.

The relationship between premium and deductible
No matter which health insurance plan you choose, you’ll pay a monthly payment (your premium) to keep your health insurance coverage. You may also pay a certain amount (co-payment or co-insurance) each time you receive medical care.

Generally, the higher your monthly premium, the lower your deductible will be.

Why life Insurance matters
We protect ourselves and our families with all sorts of insurance: health, auto, home, travel and more. For most of us, the coverage is (luckily) never used, or we don’t get the maximum benefit returned. It’s a back-up plan. It’s “just in case” security.

Life insurance is different, however. Someone – the policyholder, their loved ones, their business, a charity – will ultimately receive a benefit. Your investment isn’t a back-up plan … it’s a definite plan.

Filling a need
Life insurance isn’t for the dead. It’s for the living. Not only does it offer peace of mind for your surviving loved ones, but it can also offer solutions and benefits you can use to lead a fulfilling life. Here are the four main benefits of life insurance:

  • Death benefit protection
    In a time of grief, a life insurance policy can help with medical bills, funeral costs and other immediate expenses, ensuring a family has financial support when it’s needed most. It can also help replace lost income for the future, providing loved ones with a better chance of continuing their current lifestyle.

  • Cash accumulation
    Life insurance can be part of a diverse investment portfolio. In some products (universal and whole life) a portion of what you pay (the premium) earns interest. The gain is tax-deferred until withdrawn and can help fund financial emergencies, retirement income or college expenses.

  • Income tax benefits
    Typically, the death benefit on a life insurance policy transfers to beneficiaries free of federal income taxes. Additionally, earnings from accumulated value are not taxed until withdrawn.

  • Estate planning
    Regardless of the size of an estate, this can be a major consideration. Integrating life insurance into an estate plan can offer a number of benefits, including avoiding family conflict, protecting other assets or providing trusts for beneficiaries.

Take Action!
Don’t leave your family to chance.  Get in touch with your agent today and ask how to protect your loved ones.

Don’t have an agent? Give us a call at 605.384.5600.  We’d love to listen to your needs and set you up with someone who can help guide you.